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Blog How To Beat Procrastination In Your Business

How To Beat Procrastination In Your Business


I use these super easy steps with my clients.

Because I need them to be happy and motivated as they go through my training and courses.
It gets them focused and helps keep them remaining in a positive headspace.
I get them to message me daily with their 3 things. It works.
So, here are 2 actionable steps that we can all take for a more positive and results driven life.


What does that mean?

This is all around planning out how to get from where you are now --> to where you want to be.

Try this:

You can use either a piece of paper or a Google Doc.

Draw a box.
WRITE: Where you are now and on the other end of the page, draw where you want to be.
Simple so far right?

Then draw between those two boxes - the actionable steps required.
They will lead you to where you want to be.

For example:
If you wanted to 'start a business'.
Your starting position would be 'no business or employed'.
Your end position would be 'business launched'.

The steps that you might draw between those two points might look like:

* build a website
* register business name
* set up business bank account
* create your offer/service.

Another example:
If you wanted to lose weight.

Your starting position might be the word 'overweight and unhappy'.

Your end position might be 'healthier and slimmer'.

The action to take between those two things might be:

* exercise daily
* eat 5 vegetables daily
* drink 2 Ltrs of water daily
* control your plate sizes daily.

Then DO those action steps and cross them out when you've completed them.

By mapping out your route and all the small stops along the way... this will help you to beat procrastination.


It's easy to think about all the cock ups we've made during the day.
Our brain is good at reminding us of our mistakes.

I get my clients in the habit of logging 3 positive things each day.
3 wins. Or 3 positive things.

They have to msg me end of every day - 3 positive things that happened during that day.

It helps them to stay upbeat and they tell me they feel more positive about all the positive things coming their way and it makes them feel like getting shit done, doesn't have to be that hard.

Programming your mind can be tough, so I teach small steps everyday 🤗🌱.

I have a ton more ideas and tips, for beating procrastination and remaining "high-vibes" inside my monthly membership called the collective.

Come Join Us.


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