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Where Do You See Your Business In 5 Years?

Remi Oduyemi Asks... Where do you see your business in 5 years?

How To Create a Business You Love

Today, I want to talk to you about how you can create a business that you love. And I'm going to share some tips with you that I hope that you will find super duper useful. So the first thing when we're talking about creating a business that we love, is my first tip for you is that you really have to, as the business owner, show up with your true personality and give people a taste of who you are.

3 Ways To Ensure You Hit Your Goals

Today, I'm here to talk about the three ways to ensure that you hit your goals. And this is really to serve as a reminder and to be helpful for you in that respect.

10 Shifts I Made To Be Happier

Remi Oduyemi Shares 10 Shifts That She Made To Be Happier that can help you

How To Reset After Taking A Break From Work

Remi Coaches you on How To Reset After Taking A Break From Work

How To Not Suck At Emails...

How To Not Suck At Emails... Remi Oduyemi walks you through what is working and has allowed her to go from no emails to weekly emails. If you're a small business owner you'll want to hop on this email list for all the free tips.

How To Beat Procrastination In Your Business

I use these super easy steps with my clients to help them beat procrastination. Online Business Temple.

21 Reasons why working for yourself is better



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Hi I'm Remi.
A Tech obsessed business strategist! Girl mum and puppy mum.
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